OSPI Report Cards

The Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) maintains demographic and test score data for every district and school in the state.

Report card data is pulled from a variety of systems and data entry errors sometimes compromise the accuracy of certain elements of the data set. Demographic data from 2021-2022, for example, does not reflect our actual homeless student population of 19.7% and our highly capable student population of 2.6% are not reflected. For the 2022-2023 school year, our homeless student population is 17.9%.

Another note on the data is that per pupil expenditures and staffing ratios for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 are inflated by federal CARES Act funds for COVID relief. These one time funds will be expended by September of 2023.

School Improvement

School Improvement is a part of the Office of System and School Improvement at OSPI. Schools identified for improvement (e.g. Comprehensive, Targeted, RAD, etc.) by state and federal accountability processes are give additional technical assistance, resources, and support in collaboration with internal and external partners to these identified schools.

In the Ocean Beach School District, Ocean Park Elementary is identified as a school in Comprehensive School Improvement and Hilltop School is identified as a Targeted 3+ school.